
Deseo que cada mujer que lea éste blog eleve su autoestima y sepa que puede escribir su propio cuento, no se si con príncipe azul, pero sí con un final feliz.

“ ‘Ser felices para siempre’ no es algo que encontramos sólo en los cuentos de hadas. ¡Ustedes pueden tenerlo!... Pero deben seguir el mapa del [Señor]” (Dieter Uchtdorf, 2010)

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018

Honor your Farher

I was reading the book of John in The Bible this week, and I want to share something that I learned from it.

I read John chapter 8.  Jesus was in the temple and said to the people in verse 23 “Ye are from beneath; I am from above. Then Jesus said again “if you continue in my word... [ye] shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.  The Jews answered to Him:  “We be Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, ya shall be made free?”. Jesus explained them that if we commited sin, we are in bondage. Then He explained that if they are the seed of Abraham, they should do what Abraham did.

It is interesting to me that after that Jesus started  talking  about how He honor His Father on Heaven. He said that His Father is please on Him. So, here we are hearing the Jews feeling proud about being called themselves the seed of Abraham, but not honor him or acting in a way that Abraham would never act. At the other had, Jesus is declaring He is the son of God, acting as God would act and declaring that His Father is please with Him. The Jews, felling mad, said: “we have one Father, even God”. Jesus said some hard words to them. He said that they were the sons of evil. That evil that is the father of lies. And because Jesus tell the truth, they don’t believe them and hate him. It is interesting that Jesus do a comparación: Jesus is the truth. The evil is the lie. Those who continue on His who continue on His words will know the truth and they will be free. Those who continue with evil, they will hate truth and be bondages on lies. That is why He was saying that the son of God will make them free.

Another connection Jesus make here is that, when the Jews said that He had evil, He responded saying that He has not evil, but He honor his Farher. Then he added that if man keep His saying, he will never see death. This is interesting to me because the first things that came to my mind was one of the Ten Commandments that send us to honor our father and mother, so we can have a long living. When I remembered this commandment I thought in the connection Jesus was trying to do here. Since the beginning of their discussion He was teaching about Him being the son of God, then about His words, and those words-truths will make us free; He talked about please our father of those whom we came from, He talked about honor our fathers; now He is talking about keeping His words again and we will see not death. I just start thinking in the commandment of honor thy father and mother to have a long life with dual interpretation. Not only honor our mortal father and mother will help us live long, but honoring our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will give us a long life, an eternal life, a life tar will not have death. We honor our Heavenly Parent by keeping their words, by believing on them, by doing their will, by doing what we had seen them do, by living in the path of truth, by make those things that please them.

Are we the group that feel proud to be called the sons and daughters of Abraham, but not do what He did? Are we call ourselves the sons and daughters of God and try to do our best to please Him and honor Him? As Jesus promised, the second one will make us freem and give us eternal life.

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